The Dos and Don’ts of Blending: Items You Shouldn’t Put in the Blender

The Dos and Don’ts of Blending: Items You Shouldn’t Put in the Blender
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Before you hit the on switch and stick your hand into the blender to check on how the contents are blending, make sure you’ve not included any of these items in your recipe. Many people accidentally pour something into their blender that they shouldn’t, and the results can be pretty disastrous—not just to their own health but to their blender as well. You should also avoid putting in any of these ingredients if you want your blender to last you longer than one or two years.

Whole hardboiled eggs

When you think of a blender, you likely think of smoothies and other blended beverages. But did you know that blenders can be used for more than just drinks? Many people use blenders to make sauces, soups, and even desserts.

However, there are certain items that should never be put into a blender. One of these items is whole, hardboiled eggs. Whole eggs contain a lot of fat and protein, which can cause them to become sticky and clog the blender blades. In addition, the eggshells can break apart and get stuck in the blades or end up in your final product.

If you would like to add hardboiled eggs to a dish, it’s best to pre-chop them or mash them before adding them to the blender. This will ensure that you get the flavor and texture you desire without risking damage to your blender or the final product.

Coffee beans

When it comes to what you should and shouldn’t put in your blender, one item that should be avoided at all costs is coffee beans. While some people may think that blending up a cup of freshly ground beans would make a great morning pick-me-up, this is actually a very bad idea. Not only will it ruin the taste of your beverage, but it can also cause serious damage to your blender. Coffee beans are incredibly hard and have the potential to damage the blades of your blender. This can lead to costly repairs or having to replace the entire unit altogether. To ensure that your appliance remains in good condition, avoid blending up any kind of coffee bean.

Hot liquids

When it comes to items you should avoid putting in the blender, hot liquids top the list. This includes hot coffee, tea, soup, and even boiling water. While many people think that throwing hot liquid into a blender is a great way to get it blended quickly, this is actually a very dangerous practice. The rapid motion of the blades can cause the liquid to heat up rapidly, creating a pressure buildup that can cause the container to explode or burst. In addition, if you add too much liquid into the blender at once, it can cause a messy spill or even create an electrical hazard if the blender is not rated for high-temperature liquids. Therefore, it is best to stick with cold liquids when using your blender.

Large chunks of meat or ice

When it comes to blending, it’s important to know what you can and can’t put in the blender. While many ingredients like fruits, vegetables, and even dairy products can be blended, there are some items that should be avoided. One of those items is large chunks of meat or ice.

Putting large chunks of meat or ice in a blender can cause the blades to become clogged, resulting in serious damage to the blades and motor.

Additionally, large chunks of meat or ice can cause the blender to vibrate and shake, making it difficult to use safely. For these reasons, it’s best to avoid putting large chunks of meat or ice in your blender.

If you’re looking for a way to make smoothies with chunks of frozen fruit or other hard ingredients, try using a food processor instead. Food processors are specifically designed for handling tougher ingredients and are less likely to damage your machine.

Blenders are great kitchen appliances, but make sure you’re aware of the items that should not be put in them. When in doubt, err on the side of caution and avoid adding large chunks of meat or ice to your blender.


When it comes to blending, flour should be avoided at all costs. Although some recipes may call for it, using flour in a blender can quickly lead to disaster. When flour is blended in a blender, the fine powder can easily become airborne and cause a thick dust cloud. This dust cloud can be hazardous to your health as you breathe it in. Additionally, the tiny particles of flour can get stuck in the blades and cause them to become dull or clogged.

Furthermore, flour won’t blend properly in a blender as it needs additional liquid or other ingredients to become a dough. If you do decide to use a blender to make dough, you will need

to add liquids such as milk or water to ensure that the flour is incorporated correctly. In order to make sure that your blender won’t become damaged, it is best to avoid blending flour altogether.


When it comes to blending, potatoes are one food item that you should absolutely avoid. Potatoes contain a lot of starches and can become very gummy when blended, which can cause your blender to get clogged up and potentially overheat. Additionally, the starches in potatoes can create a thick, gloopy texture that will not blend properly. For these reasons, potatoes should be left out of any blending project.


When it comes to blending, one item you should always avoid is dough. Doughs of any type, such as cookie dough, bread dough, pizza dough, and more, will not blend properly in a blender. The dough will become stuck on the blades or get caught up in the motor and can cause serious damage. In addition, attempting to blend dough will also make a huge mess and can be difficult to clean up. It’s better to simply avoid trying to blend dough altogether.


When it comes to blending, berries are a common item that we all think of putting in our smoothies and other recipes. However, there are some berries that you should avoid putting in the blender.

Raspberries and blackberries contain small seeds which can easily become lodged in the blades of your blender, leading to a clogged motor or even breakage. Strawberries also have small seeds but they usually don’t cause any problems when blended.

Cranberries are another item to be cautious with. While their tart flavor can make them a great addition to your smoothie, the skins can cause damage to the blades of your blender, and the tartness of the fruit can also leave an unpleasant aftertaste.

Finally, blueberries are a great choice for your smoothie but you should be sure to remove any stems before adding them in. The stems can get stuck in the blades and create a mess.

So, when it comes to blending, be sure to keep these tips in mind so that you can enjoy the perfect smoothie without damaging your blender.

Ice Cubes

If you’re looking to make a smoothie or milkshake in your blender, it’s important to know what not to put in it. One of the most common mistakes is adding ice cubes. While it may seem like a good idea to cool down your beverage, ice cubes can actually damage the blades of your blender. They can cause the blades to get stuck or become dull, and will also result in a chunky, watery mixture instead of a creamy one. To get the same cooling effect, try using frozen fruit or adding a few pieces of ice to your drink after you’ve finished blending.

Hot Foods And Steam

When it comes to blending, there are certain items that you should definitely avoid. Hot foods and steam are two of the biggest culprits when it comes to potential blender disasters. Even if you’re making a smoothie or shake, it’s best to let the ingredients cool off before blending.

It’s also important to avoid putting hot foods in the blender. Even if the food itself isn’t hot, the heat from cooking can still cause the same issues as hot liquids or steam. Always let your food cool down before putting it into the blender.

When in doubt, remember the cardinal rule: no heat and no steam in the blender! These two items can cause serious damage to both you and your blender, so it’s best to avoid them at all costs.

No-Go To Blending Beans For Joe!

No matter how tempted you may be, there are certain items that should never go into your blender. When making a smoothie, protein shake, or any other blended concoction, it’s important to keep in mind the limitations of your appliance. The wrong ingredients could not only destroy your blender but also put your health at risk. Here are some items you should avoid putting in the blender:

  1. Hot Liquids – Adding hot liquids to a blender can be dangerous as the heat could cause the blender’s plastic parts to melt and break apart. In addition, when these hot liquids are mixed with cold ingredients, they can generate steam and cause pressure to build up in the container which could cause the lid to blow off.
  1. Hard Nuts – Nuts like walnuts, pecans, or almonds are best added to a smoothie or shake after blending is complete. These nuts are so hard that they can damage the blades of the blender and cause it to overheat or break.
  1. Whole Spices – Whole spices should never be added to a blender as their small size and hard texture can cause the blades to become clogged.
  2. Ice Cubes – While some blenders are designed to handle frozen ingredients, most require you to use crushed ice cubes instead. Using large ice cubes can put too much strain on the motor of the blender and even break it.
  1. Coffee Beans – Coffee beans are not meant to be blended in a regular blender and can damage it due to their hard texture and size. Stick to a coffee grinder for your daily caffeine fix! By keeping these no-go items out of your blender, you can ensure it will last for years to come and continue producing delicious drinks. So the next time you’re ready to make a smoothie or shake, remember these dos and don’ts of blending and always err on the side of caution!

No Bones About It!

When it comes to blending, there are some items you should never put in the blender. Bones, hard fruits and vegetables, and nuts are all things that can cause severe damage to your blender. Let’s take a look at why these items are no-no’s and how to avoid making a costly mistake when blending.

Garlic Is For Vampires Not Blenders!

We’ve all heard the age-old adage you can put anything in a blender. But when it comes to making a delicious smoothie or a healthy meal replacement, there are certain items that should be avoided at all costs. Garlic is one of those items.

Garlic has a strong smell and taste, so it makes sense that putting it into a blender would create an unpleasant scent and flavor. But more than that, garlic can cause damage to the blades of the blender and result in a less than desirable texture. It’s also important to note that garlic has a high water content which can clog up the motor of the blender, resulting in it overworking and potentially breaking down.

Another item that should be kept far away from your blender is uncooked beans. Unlike garlic, uncooked beans won’t damage the blades of the blender, but they can easily get stuck in the blades or clog up the motor.

This is because beans are full of starch and protein, which can create a sticky paste-like substance when blended. To avoid a big mess and potential damage to your blender, stick to cooked beans for your recipes.

If you’re looking for something to add to your smoothies for a boost of flavor and nutrition, opt for fresh fruits and vegetables instead of garlic and uncooked beans. Not only will this result in a tastier smoothie, but it will also help keep your blender working properly and prevent any damage from occurring.

Dried Fruit Is A Sticky Problem!

When it comes to blenders, dried fruit can be a major issue. Dried fruits have a tough skin that can cause a lot of trouble for your blender blades, making them wear down quickly and possibly even break. Additionally, the dried fruit will also stick to the sides of the container and won’t blend properly. So, when it comes to blending, it’s best to avoid dried fruits altogether.

It’s also important to keep in mind that some fruits, like apples and pears, tend to brown quickly when cut or exposed to air. If you’re planning on blending apples or pears, be sure to use them right away as they can oxidize and turn brown if left too long.

Finally, if you’re looking for something crunchy in your smoothie, opt for nuts instead of popcorn or chips. Popcorn kernels can easily get stuck in the blades of your blender while chips can turn into an unappetizing mess.

Keep Beef Out Of The Blender

If you’ve ever wanted to make a smoothie or soup using your blender, you may have wondered what ingredients are safe to use in it. While many fruits and vegetables work great in the blender, there are some items that you should avoid putting in the blender.

Beef is one of the items that should stay out of your blender. While it may seem like it would be a great way to quickly grind up meat for recipes such as soups and chili, it’s not a good idea.

Because of the density and toughness of beef, it can actually damage your blender’s blades. It’s also important to note that, if you were to blend up beef, the final product wouldn’t be usable in any recipe. The beef would be too small and all of the fat would become liquified, making it impossible to use in dishes.

So, while blending may seem like a convenient way to grind up beef, it’s best to use other methods instead. Invest in a meat grinder or use a sharp knife to manually dice the beef instead. That way, you’ll end up with the perfect pieces of meat for your favorite dishes without damaging your blender!

Frozen Peas Can Wear Down And Eventually Break Blades

When it comes to blending, there are some items that you should definitely avoid putting in the blender. One of these items is frozen peas. While you may think that blending frozen peas

would make for a great smoothie or soup base, it can actually cause serious damage to your blender.

Frozen peas are very hard and dense, so when they’re put into a blender, they can wear down the blades over time. The blades may be able to chop the frozen peas at first, but the continual pounding will eventually cause them to break. This means you’ll have to buy a new blender or have yours repaired, and it can be expensive!

Also, if you do blend frozen peas, they can get stuck in the blades or on the sides of the container and be very difficult to clean out. As a result, it’s best to avoid putting frozen peas in your blender all together.

If you want to add frozen vegetables to your smoothie or soup, use something like broccoli or cauliflower instead. These vegetables are softer and won’t damage your blender blades as easily. Plus, they don’t contain as much water as peas, so you won’t end up with a watery soup or smoothie.

To ensure that you get the best results from your blender and avoid any costly repairs or replacements, remember to steer clear of frozen peas!

Spices Can Accidentally Season Your Blender

When it comes to blending, spices are something that you should always avoid putting in the blender. While they may seem like a great way to add flavor to your food, they can actually cause damage to your blender.

Spices are often very fine and light, meaning they can easily get stuck in the blades or other crevices of your blender. This can not only damage the appliance but can also leave your food tasting strange as the spices will have been ground up into tiny particles and spread throughout the entire blend. Additionally, some spices contain oil or water, which can end up causing corrosion in your blender.

When adding spices to your food, it’s best to sprinkle them on top after the blend has already been completed. This way, you can get all the flavor without risking any damage to your blender.

Thick, Dense Foods Are Your Blender’s Worst Enemy

When it comes to making delicious and nutritious smoothies or shakes, blenders are an essential tool. However, not all foods are suitable for blending. Some items can be too thick, dense, or hard for your blender to properly process.

If you’re considering blending something that isn’t a liquid or soft enough to blend easily, you should think twice before throwing it in the blender.

Thick, dense foods like nuts, seeds, and certain fruits and vegetables can put an unnecessary strain on your blender’s blades and motor. This can lead to a less than desirable drink or even damage to your blender if the blades become stuck or overheat.

For safety reasons, it’s best to avoid adding thick and dense foods to your blender. If you need to blend something like nuts, seeds, or even carrots, it’s better to grind them first using a food processor or mortar and pestle. You can then add the ground up food to your blender without the worry of damaging your appliance or ruining your smoothie.

It’s important to remember that blenders are meant for liquids and soft foods. By following these guidelines and understanding what types of food should not be blended, you’ll ensure that your blender lasts for years to come and that every smoothie you make is as delicious as it can be!

Blender Blades Heat Up Foods That You Might Want To Keep Cool

It’s easy to get creative in the kitchen and make delicious recipes with a blender. But before you start throwing any ingredients into the blender, there are certain items you should avoid putting in. Some of these items can damage the blades, and some can even become dangerous when blended.

First up, you should avoid blending hot foods. When heated, food can expand and cause too much pressure on the blades of the blender. This can result in broken blades, or even an exploding blender. So if you have hot items, like soups or stews, let them cool down before adding them to the blender.

Frozen foods are also not recommended for blending. The blades can heat up the food so quickly that it melts, which can damage the blades and create a mess. If you want to blend frozen food, it’s best to thaw it first.

You should also avoid adding hard materials, like nuts, bones, and ice cubes to your blender. These items can damage the blades and create a hazard. If you’re trying to make a nut butter, grind them first in a food processor before adding them to the blender.

Finally, it’s best to avoid adding thick liquids like honey or peanut butter to your blender. These items can stick to the sides of the blender and make it difficult for the blades to turn properly. Instead of pouring these ingredients in directly, consider thinning them out by adding a liquid first.

By following these simple tips, you can help ensure your blender runs safely and efficiently. So the next time you use your blender, remember to keep these dos and don’ts in mind!

Blenders Turn Tomatoes Into Mush

When it comes to using a blender, there are certain items that you should avoid putting in it. Some of these items can cause damage to the blades and motor, while others just won’t blend properly. Here are some of the items that you should not put in your blender:

Tough Skin Is Tough On Blenders

Using a blender is a great way to make a variety of tasty drinks, snacks, and meals. But when it comes to ingredients, some items should be avoided due to their tough skin or texture. Putting the wrong items in your blender can not only affect the taste of your dish but could also damage the appliance itself. Here are some of the items that you should never put in your blender:

Fiber Unclogs Us But Clogs Your Blender!

It can be tempting to throw anything and everything into the blender for a quick and easy smoothie. But if you’re not careful, you could end up with a clogged or broken blender – or worse, an unpleasant, clumpy smoothie!

Fiber is especially important for our health and diet, but it’s important to remember that some types of fiber are better suited for digestion than for blending. Whole grains and seeds are one of the biggest offenders when it comes to clogging up blenders – so if you’re looking to add fiber to your smoothie, opt for ground flaxseeds or chia seeds, or even pureed fruit such as banana or mango.

To avoid a clogged mess, also stay away from fibrous fruits and vegetables such as celery, pineapple, and rhubarb. If you’re looking to get the most nutrients from these types of foods, it may be best to chop them up and eat them as is rather than blending them.

Finally, make sure to check for any hard pieces in your ingredients before throwing them into the blender. Anything that has hard edges, such as ice cubes or nut shells, can cause damage to your blades over time. It’s always better to be safe than sorry when it comes to protecting your blender!

Candy Sticks Like Glue!

We all know the convenience of using a blender for a variety of tasks in the kitchen, from making smoothies and sauces to pureeing soups and chopping vegetables. But there are some items that should never be placed in the blender – no matter how tempting it may be!

Candy sticks are one such item. Candy sticks may look like fun and exciting additions to your blender concoctions, but they can cause serious damage to the blades or other parts of the machine.

This is because candy sticks are made from a combination of sugar and corn syrup, both of which are extremely sticky and viscous. When these ingredients come into contact with the blades of the blender, they can stick to them, causing them to become dulled over time or worse yet, break off entirely.

In addition to candy sticks, hard materials like ice cubes, nuts, and popcorn kernels should also be avoided when blending. These items can easily become lodged in the blades or the cup of the blender, rendering them useless and possibly damaging the blades beyond repair.

If you do find yourself needing to blend something hard, like nuts or popcorn kernels, it is best to grind them up separately in a food processor or mortar and pestle before adding them to your blender recipe. This will help ensure that your ingredients are blended properly without putting undue strain on your blender’s components.

Ginger Puts Your Blender To Sleep!

One of the best things about a blender is that you can use it to mix together a variety of ingredients to create unique and delicious recipes. But, did you know that there are some items that you should avoid putting in your blender? Not only will they not mix properly, but they can also cause serious damage to the blades and motor of your machine. Here are a few items that you should never put in your blender:

Seeds Can Be The Pits!

When it comes to blending food items, there are certain things you should avoid putting in your blender. Seeds, in particular, can be the pits – and not just because of the pun! Seeds contain oil, which can cause a sticky mess and damage the blades of your blender. The worst offenders include poppy, sesame, and flax seeds. So if you’re making a smoothie or sauce, be sure to strain out these items before putting them in your blender.

Nuts are also another item you should avoid blending, as they can create an unwanted chunky texture and put strain on your machine. Instead, chop or grind the nuts by hand first before adding them to your recipe.

Finally, some fruits and vegetables should not be blended at all, even if they don’t contain any pesky seeds. Whole apples and potatoes are too hard for blenders to process, so you’ll need to cut them into smaller pieces before adding them to your blend. Similarly, large chunks of pineapple or citrus can wreak havoc on your blender’s blades.

By avoiding these items and taking the time to prep your ingredients properly, you can ensure that your recipes come out smooth and delicious!